Month: May 2009

  • Majorly stressed out, need to blog to calm myself down.  I'm all moved in at UoM Flint, I'm living in a 4-person suite with 2 other people, and it's a brand new dorm so it's really fucking nice.  I'll post pictures later, my room is the shit.  Only problem, no ethernet jacks, it's all wireless.  This isnt that big of a problem, except that UoM Flint's wireless internet is shitty, slow, and severely over-protected.  I had a hell of a time getting it set up, a guy like me with extensive computer knowledge should NOT have to go to an IT desk to get my shit fixed, EVER.  Everytime I went in there, they did shit that made absolutely zero since to me, and it certainly isnt helped by the fact that they dont automatically email you instructions of what they did after they did it incase you run into the problem again.  Example, I had to set up my proxy to connect to the internet.  I wasnt sure how I was supposed to do that since Flint's wireless is so fucked up, so I go in and have someone else do it.  He opens up Firefox, does some shit, and it works so I'm happy with it and I leave.  About half an hour ago, I felt like clearing out my browser's cache, and after that I had a problem where it kept authenticating and requesting my username and password constantly.  It was pure hell.  I went in to get it fixed, that same guy wasnt there, so I had to explain what he did to someone else who worked there.  The guy kept insisting that it was one of my Firefox Add-Ons interfering.  That's bullshit, the two things arent related at all, no person working at a help desk should ever make such a stupid guess and feel confident about his answer.  He was pissing me off, so I left, came back to my place, braved through the annoying-as-hell continuous pop-ups and figured this shit out myself.  I set my proxy to automatically configure in IE, and Firefox automatically detected this and started working like normal again.  I couldnt have known this since I expect the world, including Flint's wireless, to be compatible with Firefox, one of the most popular webbrowsers out there.  But NOOOO.  Flint expects you to do that in IE, and that's something that that guy SHOULD have known, and that should have been the very first thing he did.

  • K, the number of people who I'm subscribed to is getting out of hand.  I've got 142 subscriptions, and I read them ALL.  Remember, I subscribed to you all because I love reading all of your blogs, dont get me wrong.  I'm just putting this out there, if you arent subscribed to me a week from now, I'm unsubscribing from your blog.  Sorry guys, I truly do love reading all of your blogs, but I've got to make time in my life for other things and if you dont care about my blog enough to read it, perhaps I shouldnt be looking into your blog so much.  This also gives everyone a chance to unsubscribe if they want to, I want everyone to feel 100% guilt-free if they truly dont want me reading their blog or truly dont enjoy reading mine.

  • Can you speak a foreign language? If not, which one would you want to learn? Why?

    Eh, I've taken Spanish all my life, but I cant speak it and have no incentive to.  The language that I DO want to learn, however, is DUTCH.  Why, you ask?  Because Dutch is the shit, it's much more similar to English than most other languages, and they speak it in Amsterdam, which happens to be my favorite country and if there was such a thing as heaven on earth, that would be it for me.

    I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!